For some, it’s temporary but for others, it can become a debilitating health condition. In fact, sleep disorders affect up to 70 million Americans each year and insomnia symptoms occur in 33% to 50% of U.S. adults. Blogger Corinne Segura, 39, understands the struggles of chronic insomnia firsthand. For most of her life she has had difficulty sleeping, a problem that became gradually worse as the years passed. 

On Getting a Diagnosis

The onset of Segura’s insomnia occurred shortly after coming down with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  “I contracted pneumonia (since CFS affects the immune system) and was afraid to fall asleep because I thought I might die in my sleep. I was 16 years old at that time,” Segura explains.  The pneumonia didn’t last long, but she continued to have trouble sleeping. Segura began the medication Zolpidem at that time, and then transitioned to over-the-counter sleep aids which included antihistamines.  While insomnia is usually a part of CFS, it was aggravated as the years went on by poorly managed stress and anxiety, poor diet at times, and mold exposure.  “In my late 20s I lived in a water-damaged home with mold that made me much sicker. A major symptom of this mold exposure was difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, especially without sleep meds (and even with sleep meds at times),” says Segura.  A few years ago, the major forest fires on the West Coast caused her liver to become overwhelmed. “This resulted in severe insomnia that was barely helped by sleep aids. I slept 2 hours a night for weeks,” Segura states. Lack of sleep over the years has worsened by CFS, turning her condition into a vicious cycle. “A sleep study showed that I was only asleep for about four hours a night and that I skipped REM sleep,” Segura adds. 

What Helps Her Sleep Better

So, what does Segura do to manage her insomnia? Some of her treatment options of choice include:

Sleeping pills

Segura does take sleeping pills, which are prescribed by her doctor.

Avoiding mold

“Staying free of moldy and musty buildings has been the most foundational change for me,” says Segura.

Adopting healthy eating habits 

“I now eat a very healthy diet with no caffeine, and that helps as well. I make sure my blood sugar is as stable as possible,” Segura states.

Taking magnesium

She has increased her magnesium intake, too. “After all of my struggles, I was surprised by how much magnesium helped me. I take magnesium supplements, but it’s an Epsom salt bath at night that is a massive help,” says Segura. She has tried other supplements, but none of them have helped as much as magnesium. The only other sleep aid she takes is Bulletproof melatonin, which is a micro-dose, or very low dose.

Meditating daily

Segura meditates every day for two hours, which usually does help her fall asleep.

Segura’s Advice to People Who Have Been Recently Diagnosed with Chronic Insomnia

Segura’s journey with chronic insomnia has taught her many different life lessons. “I wish that I had reduced stress right away and looked first to the natural remedies of diet, supplements, and stress reduction,” Segura explains. “That would have meant taking time off from my job, looking for a less stressful job, and implementing those lifestyle changes as a priority. I also wish I knew early on that mold exposure is related to insomnia. I wish I found the Epsom salt bath hack earlier.” Next, read about the 10 best sleep podcasts to quickly send you off to dreamland.


Corinne Segura, interviewCleveland Clinic: “Insomnia” What One Woman With Chronic Insomnia Does to Sleep Better - 74