One of our favorite events of this festive evening is the “Mutant Toy Parade” which takes place in NYC and 5 other cities.  This innovative, participatory event was envisioned by the Argentina-based artist Laureano Cantarutti in which kids of all ages and their families make music with three types of circuit-bent toys. The NYC program begins at 5:30 pm in front of the  NYPD 25th Precinct on E 119th Street between Lexington & Park Avenues, when NYC percussionist and bandleader Jochen Ruekert will lead a workshop to teach the participants a specially created composition using their new toy instruments. Get ready for some musical mutant toy fun! Mutant Toy Parade will kick off an evening of vibrant mobile music presented in partnership with Uptown Grand Central by marching with the renowned Marching Cobras to the nearby Exodus Transitional Community. For additional information on the evening of music-making, visit Harlem Solstice Jam. “The power of music is unstoppable, and Make Music Winter’s events are just further proof. Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night can stop musicians in more than 35 cities from bringing magical, participatory events to their communities on the shortest day of the year,” shares Aaron Friedman, President, Make Music Alliance, Inc. Since its start in 2011, Make Music Winter has provided a way for music enthusiasts to meet up, march and play through public spaces, and make music with bells, electric guitars, voices, percussion, and more unusual instruments. Make Music Winter is presented by The NAMM Foundation and coordinated by the non-profit Make Music Alliance. There are loads more events all over the country for a massive musical celebration. Find out about programs here.   The best New Year’s Eve Songs.

Need a Reason to Get Off the Couch This Winter Solstice  Make Music  - 49Need a Reason to Get Off the Couch This Winter Solstice  Make Music  - 19