The series follows MI6 intelligence officer Eve Polastri (Sandra Oh) in her pursuit of international assassin Oksana Astankova (Jodie Comer), the latter of whom goes by the nickname Villanelle. The women become obsessed with one another. Villanelle works for a mysterious, shadowy group called The Twelve, and Eve and Villanelle eventually, in their individual missions, come together to destroy the group. We won’t go too deeply into detail up here to avoid spoilers, but if you want Killing Eve Season 4 spoilers, scroll down! For everyone not caught up just yet, the top section includes details on how to watch.

How to Watch Killing Eve Season 4

How many episodes will Killing Eve Season 4 have?

There are eight episodes of Killing Eve Season 4.

Is Killing Eve Season 4 on BBC America?

Killing Eve Season 4 aired on BBC America on Sundays from Feb. 27, 2022 through April 10, 2022.

Is Season 4 the last season of Killing Eve?

Season 4 is the last season of Killing Eve as we know it. For more details, see the spoilers in the second section of this story — but only if you’re caught up on the show!

When can I watch Killing Eve Season 4?

Killing Eve Season 4 is currently available for viewing.

Where can I watch Season 4 of Killing Eve?

Where can I watch Killing Eve season 4 for free?

There technically isn’t anywhere to watch Killing Eve Season 4 for free unless you already have cable that includes AMC or BBC America and can tune in on-demand. That said, you can get brief trial periods for AMC+ and Hulu+ Live TV that you can use to binge the series.

Is Killing Eve Season 4 streaming on Hulu?

Killing Eve Season 4 is currently only available for viewing on Hulu if you have Hulu+ Live TV. Warning: The following section contains major spoilers for Killing Eve and the finale. If you aren’t caught up, stop reading here!

What happened at the end of Killing Eve?

In the Killing Eve series finale, we see Eve and Villanelle finally kiss. They then board the Queen Dixie boat to infiltrate a meeting of The Twelve, with Eve posing as a wedding officiant for two men celebrating aboard the craft (almost totally ruining their entire wedding in the process). While this is going on, Villanelle is not-so-methodically murdering all of the members of The Twelve. While it appears, at least at first, that Eve and Villanelle will finally be able to live life on their own terms with the freedom they so desperately wanted, as they’re dancing together on the boat deck, a sniper shoots Villanelle in her back, sending her and Eve plunging into the River Thames. The river current makes it hard for them to get back to one another, and blood surrounds them in the water. We then see Carolyn watching the scene from a safe distance, making it crystal clear that she arranged for Villanelle’s slaying — but she thinks Eve is dead, too. Next, we see Villanelle’s final moments of her life underwater, and finally, we see Eve break through the surface alone, screaming. Heavy? Yes. Satisfactory? Not to everyone. The show came under fire for falling into what is often called the “bury your gays” trope: Essentially, almost as soon as four seasons’ worth of what manycriticized asqueerbaiting culminated in Eve and Villanelle finally getting romantic, Villanelle was killed. This is vastly different from the books on which the series is based, in which Oksana and Eve essentially live happily ever after together outside of St. Petersburg in Russia. Head writer Laura Neal told Elle of the ending, “It was really difficult to find the best ending. The truth is we talked about loads. We were always discussing ‘What’s the truth of the endpoint of these characters’ journeys?’ If we look at where Eve and Villanelle began and we look at what’s happened to them across the four seasons, what’s the truth of the endpoint? It would have been easy for it to feel very maudlin, I think, or to go completely the other direction and make it feel too funny. So striking the right balance between the two of them felt really important.”

Who dies at the end of Killing Eve?

Villanelle’s life ends with the series, but it wasn’t an easy choice for the showrunners and writers to necessarily make — and in fact, the creators don’t truly believe Villanelle is so much dead as simply elevating her existence in a way. Neal explained to Elle, “I think the reason we ended up killing Villanelle was that we wanted to give Eve new life. For Eve, the moment where she burst out of the water was always something we had right from the very early iterations of the ending. We were really into Villanelle dying kind of to save Eve, and I think there’s a remnant of that still in the final version. That felt really poignant to us and it spoke to how far Villanelle has come on her journey, that she can do this final act and it’s for someone and it’s kind of a selfless act. So it isn’t so much an ending for her, but a kind of transcendence. In my head, that’s not the death of Villanelle. That’s the elevation of Villanelle to another realm. We talked a lot about like her being too big for this world, like the world not being able to contain Villanelle. We wanted to inject that spirit into that moment, as well.”

Will there be a Killing Eve Season 5?

Will there be a Killing Eve Season 5? In a word: No. Executive producer Gina Mingacci told Elle ahead of the Season 4 finale, “This is the end. This is the end of the line. I think everybody’s very happy with how it’s going to end, at least on this side.” She added, “I hope that when ‘The End’ comes up [audiences] think that Eve is going to go on and have this amazing life. She’s escaped. Carolyn thinks she’s dead. She can have the life that she chooses to live now. In my head, she’s going to take everything that Villanelle has given her into this new version of her life, and Villanelle will live on in Eve.”

What does Jodie Comer think of the Killing Eve finale?

“What was really surreal was the last shot we did was the last shot of Villanelle ever. So that was weird because once I’d done that, it was done,” Comer recalled to Elle. “There was something about finishing on that final shot of her that was actually perfect in a way. But it was weird. It was really weird! What was great was Sandra and I were together for the whole of that last week, so we got to experience that together with the crew.” As far as how Villanelle’s story ended, Comer says, “It was inevitable. She’s like a cat with nine lives. What I loved about the moment was that was a really selfless act that she did that caused it. It felt right that in that moment she protected Eve.” She continued, “There was something about that shielding, I think, that signified how much she had changed. She was trying so desperately to change at the beginning and I don’t think she ever realized how much she had, which is so sad. That moment really shows how Eve changed her life.”

What does Sandra Oh think about the Killing Eve finale?

Oh was pleased with how Eve’s arc ended on the series, but she gets why some viewers may not be thrilled with how her story concluded. “I think it’s true to this show. As an audience you want to be satisfied. You want to know. Like, ‘I want to be satisfied. I want it tied up in a bow. I want to understand it.’ But that’s not it,” she told Elle. “The last shot of Eve in the water howling at the world was actually the last shot I filmed. We were under time pressure, we had camera issues and they called the day. It felt ambiguous. I didn’t know if I got it. It was an extremely emotional day. I think one of the special things about the show is—hopefully—how satisfying it is to not get what you want, tied neatly in a bow. It was never neat between the characters, so Eve’s ending leaves us with the question: How will she go on?” Oh said that she particularly loved the shots that showed Eve dancing joyfully on the deck of the boat while Villanelle was slaying the Twelve down below. “We see the essence of the characters, and we hold on Villanelle watching Eve dancing and it’s emotional for her. I believe this is a moment of understanding for [Villanelle],” Oh explained. “Because in the moment after, we see how [Villanelle] has changed. She saves Eve. Villanelle had to die to bring the show to an endpoint.” She also revealed how the ending may have been different: “Honestly, at the beginning of 2020 when discussing the finale it was the other way around,” she said of Eve and Villanelle’s fates, “but through the pandemic we changed tracks. Villanelle goes onto more ethereal realms. And Eve is left to survive.” Next, check out more amazing British shows to stream!

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