It is estimated that 200,000 Americans experience a second heart attack after having their first. While this statistic is a bit sobering, the good news is that outcomes have improved thanks to treatment advances. Dr. Lawrence Solomon, MD, FACC, a noninvasive cardiologist for Nuvance Health in New York, notes that most people will resume a good quality of life after having a heart attack, but this is dependent on regular visits with their heart doctor and provided that some lifestyle changes are made. If you’re looking to prevent a future cardiac event, there are a few lifestyle tweaks that studies confirm will make a dramatic difference in your quality of life.  So, what are these tweaks? Read on to find out.

Lifestyle tweaks you should make after a heart attack

Get moving

While you won’t be cleared for exercise immediately after a heart attack, once your doctor gives you the green light, exercise can and should be a regular part of your routine. “The goal is 20-30 minutes of brisk exercise most days of the week,” advises Dr. Solomon. “This could be as simple as a fast walk or a bike ride.” You don’t have to run a marathon or pick up a daily Peloton habit, but going for sunset walks or turning those conference calls where you are muted—you know the ones—into a walking meeting can help you meet those regular exercise goals. 

Eat a heart-healthy diet

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that a heart-healthy diet will help you control your cholesterol and blood sugars to lower your risk of a heart attack. “Coronary arteries most often narrow down due to cholesterol building up, so getting your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), ‘the bad cholesterol,’ as low as possible is important,” explains Dr. Grant Reed, MD, MSc, FACC, an interventional cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic. “Most cardiologists will place you on a statin medication to help with this.” The medication won’t do all of the work for you, however, so reducing the amount of processed foods you eat and—in addition to upping your fruits and vegetables—sticking to lean meats and low-fat dairy products, can help you improve your heart health. 

Enroll in a cardiac rehabilitation program

A rehabilitation program after a heart attack is recommended and, according to Dr. Solomon, is generally covered by insurance or Medicare. “This is a standardized 12-week program, which includes 36 sessions of exercise (with heart monitoring and guidance from a specialized exercise physiologist), and counseling regarding lifestyle changes,” Dr. Solomon explains. “It begins with a supervised stress test to assess safety of exercise and includes ongoing monitoring for the duration of the program.” Dr. Reed notes that you can expect this type of program to begin two weeks after a heart attack (and it can help clear you for future exercise programs). These programs set you up for success once you transition to follow-up visits versus sustained care, and can help you learn how to successfully integrate these lifestyle changes into your life outside of the hospital.

Take prescribed medications

It is important that if your doctor prescribes you medications post-heart attack, that you regularly take them (as instructed). “Many patients will require medication to help optimize their blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and glucose control,” notes Dr. Solomon. Make sure you keep up on refills and follow all instructions given by your doctor (and let them be the ones to address any concerns or make changes to your prescription). 

Stop smoking

If you’re a smoker, quitting will vastly improve your heart health. According to the CDC, smoking causes inflammation and swelling in the blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease. If you’ve already had a heart attack, you may have experienced damage to the heart, so quitting for good (and avoiding secondhand smoke) is vital. 

Seek mental health support

While physical health is often a top priority after a heart attack, your mental health is definitely affected, too. “Depression after a heart attack is very common, and affects 20-30 percent of these patients. In fact, the prevalence of depression is up to three times greater in patients who have suffered a heart attack versus those who have not,” explains Dr. Solomon. “It can affect long-term outcomes and risk of another heart attack, and should therefore be taken seriously and treated accordingly.” Dr. Reed adds that if you don’t seek support right away, you should monitor yourself for symptoms of depression, including but not limited to feeling sad, losing sleep and/or losing interest in things that usually interest you. If you need guidance on where to find mental health support, reach out to your heart doctor who can direct you to support groups and therapists that specialize in heart attack recovery.  Next up, read up on the 12 signs you have an unhealthy heart.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Heart Disease Facts.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Prevent Heart Disease.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease.”Dr. Grant Reed, MD, MSc, FACC, an interventional cardiologist at Cleveland ClinicDr. Lawrence Solomon, MD, FACC, a noninvasive cardiologist for Nuvance Health in New YorkMyers, Jonathan. “Exercise and Cardiovascular Health.” Circulation. 2003;107:e2–e5.National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. “7 Strategies to Live a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle.” 6 Most Important Lifestyle Tweaks to Make After a Heart Attack - 98